Our Work
Each year the Hartford Art School Endowment, Inc. provides support for undergraduate student scholarships; HAS Gallery exhibitions; lectures and special events; as well as special projects like the C3 fund or an MFA fellowship!
Over 60 scholarship funds are monitored and invested by HASE, Inc. to benefit Hartford Art School students. Scholarship requirements are usually determined by the donor and vary from fund to fund.
Programs like the Koltenuk Arts & Healthcare lecture series, the Koopman Distinguished Artist Residency and Community Dinner, Alumni Forum, the Auerbach Visiting Artist series, and various master artist workshops are supported by endowed funds from HASE, Inc.
The Silpe Gallery and the Joseloff Gallery host several endowed exhibitions throughout the year including the annual Alexander A. Goldfarb Juried Student Exhibition. HASE, Inc. also invests the Edith Dale Monson Gallery Director and Curator fund to ensure the continued success of this endowed position, currently held by Carrie Cushman, Ph.D.
Special Projects.
When a need arises, our Board steps up to the plate! Through mailings, fundraising events, and capital campaigns, our Board has supported countless physical and program improvements at HAS. Most notably the 2018 Admissions Atrium renovation in Taub Hall, which was almost fully supported by Board restricted-funds and gifts from HASE, Inc. Board members.
Events and Social Opportunities.
Our first mission is to support students, but some Board member perks include special event invitations and early sign-up for ArtTravels bus trips. Our community of friends is always welcomed at public events!
Hartford Art School
Interested in learning more about the Hartford Art School at University of Hartford? Visit their website to learn about admissions, academics, student life, and the HAS Galleries.